Habanero's holiday tarot cards. Which one are you?

Every year, Habanero sends out holiday gifts and cards to our partners, clients and friends to celebrate a year of hard work, challenges and rewards. Of course, this year has been vastly different than most. Instead of mailing packages, we decided to shake things up (why fight the 2020 vibe?) by creating a digital experience for everyone to try and share.

So, with tongue firmly planted in cheek, we created a digital tarot reading to help you find the bright spots in 2021. It’s a short, light-hearted quiz that you can take and share with colleagues and friends. If you haven’t taken it yet, you can try it out here. Then compare your tarot card here with your co-workers or even see the results for our Habs.


You’re a perpetual learner. There’s nothing you love more than to curl up with a good book, your favourite podcast, or a playlist of video tutorials. This year, you discovered new writers and thinkers that kept you grounded and inspired through challenging times. You’re able to find connections and weave ideas together in meaningful ways. In 2021, you can put that wisdom to good use in your community to help design innovative solutions to long-standing problems.

Check out other Habs who will be having an insightful 2021!

Aaron Law Barbara Richards Bruno Alves Carmen Craciun Chris Radcliffe Chris Sweeney Christina Ferancik Chris Parsons Corey Keller Craig Smith Danielle Kovacic David Webb Davis de Souza Elizabeth Torry Heather Doyle Imran Thobani Jarrod McKenna Jasjit Marwah Jorge Echeverry Julie Chrapavy Kelsey Alexander Larry Lau Lori Sokoluk Mallory O'Connor Matt Chapple Michelle Yuan Mike Jensen Natalie Veldhoen Pilar Galiana Scott DeVeber Simona McKee Vanessa Ip


You’re a thrill seeker. Sure-footed and nimble, you love not knowing what’s going to happen next. This year, you found new ways to get off-road and away from the crowds, making your own fun, even under limiting circumstances. In 2021, you can bring your fresh perspective and talent for tricky, courageous questions to complex or longstanding problems. If you do, you’ll get people thinking in new ways that shake up the status quo and inspire real change!

Check out other Habs who will be having an adventurous 2021!

Brian Edwards Caterina Sanders Christopher Scollard Elise Golanowski Fraser Allan Mark Bice Megan Kurtenbach Mike Dumka Ruben Chan Ryan Bender Stephen Brown Terry Chow Ty Addison William Hardy


You’re a true people-person. You’re six degrees from everyone and the last to leave the Zoom party. Curious and friendly, you make everyone feel heard and understood. This year, you found creative ways to stay connected with your social circles through ever-changing conditions. In 2021, you can use your ninja-level social skills to help others find co-conspirators for their passion projects. Your superpower is bringing groups of people together to make great things happen – now’s your time to shine!

Check out other Habs who will be having a connected 2021!

Carmen Bronsch Sarah Hagarty Ashleigh Schafer Laura Nugent


You’re a creative force. It’s not unusual for you to always have a million projects on the go. This year, you may have tried your hand at new hobbies or just enjoyed digging deeper into your own esoteric interests in the garden, kitchen or workbench. In 2021, you can share your gifts with a larger audience than ever before. Your passion and playfulness inspire others to explore the things that motivate them too, so don’t hold back!

Check out other Habs who will be having an inspired 2021! 

Sandra Braun Kurtis Beard Christina Cowen


You are an idealist. Your calm and kind nature puts people at ease and brings out the best in every situation. This year, you learned to make mindful choices about who you engage with, how you set up your environment and the activities you spend your time and energy on every day. In 2021, you can expand you circle of awareness. Seek out and join with others who share your sense of purpose, so you can support each other to shine your light in the world.

Check out other Habs who will be having a mindful 2021!

Elena Rosu James Sloane Marty Van Den Bosch Michael Armstrong Nataliya Ioffe Steven Fitzgerald Toni Albert


You’re an achiever. Setting and reaching your goals gives you a natural high. While others are lounging in their pjs, you’re crushing another rep, checking your portfolio or levelling up your second-language skills. This year, you learned to live without a finish line by making the most of your current situation – whatever it happened to be. In 2021, you can use your innate ability to lean into the levers for change that open up new opportunities for you and the people you care about.

Check out other Habs who will be having an ambitious 2021!

Ben Skelton Kiran Aujla Madhava Werake

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