
Proud to be recognized as a top Canadian workplace.

We set up employees to do their best. Habanero is an organization where creative, hard-working, friendly, honest and open people come together to do great work.

Scene of a person working from home in their pj's, two people eating sushi at a table and two people standing in front of a sticky note wall with a dog on a pillow.
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Why work here

We’re on a mission to change the world of work. Join a bright and talented team that helps organizations improve their workplace experiences and become better places to work.

We put our heart into being...

Purpose driven


We perform better when both your personal purpose and our purpose are brought to life together.



We are better together. Diversity of opinions and inclusiveness of ideas produces better results.


Our employees are at the table. We trust our people and give them the information they need to make good decisions.



We experiment and support people who try and fail. We are on the bleeding edge so our clients can be on the leading edge.
Symptoms are not the problem


Our clients look to us as leaders. We have an irresistible passion that inspires those we work with.

A community

We care about each other's well-being—supporting each other in the pursuit of leading a better life.

What Habs are saying

We work hard on fostering a positive company culture and we’ve been lucky to be named one of the Best Workplaces in Canada for eleven years in a row.

4.6 out of 5 star rating on

94% of employees on Glassdoor would recommend Habanero to a friend.

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Our workplace

Interested in learning more before applying?

Learn more about our company and the people you may be working with.

Our commitment to reconciliation

Learn how Habanero is responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action as a settler-owned company operating on Indigenous territories across what is now called Canada.

Read about our commitment